
As members of FCASC, we are the highest skilled floor contractors in Southern California.

FCASC provides professional services and representation for union floor covering contractors in Southern California.

We service and support membership in the following areas:

  • Labor Negotiations

  • Political Advocacy

  • Regulatory Oversight

  • Business Resources for Your Business

  • Business Relationship Opportunities


    • We help our members get important industry information and provide a platform that encourages discussion and development of the floor covering industry.

    • Members are kept informed on important industry issues.

  • By building trusted connections, FCASC acts as an outlet for companies to help one another thrive in the industry. We organize events where members can share experiences leading to more efficient problem solving and business production.

  • Opportunities to join a committee within FCASC enables members to provide feedback to the industry while allowing for an enhancement of industry development and insight on industry issues.

    Committee appointments help develop a better negotiating, leadership, and conflict resolution skills.

  • Keeps floor covering members informed on current and future labor, legal, and regulatory compliances.

  • Gain visibility and elevated recognition throughout the industry. The association serves as support for your business needs.

  • FCASC gives members a stronger voice by representing contractors at the local, state and national levels of government.

Apply Today!

Contractor Membership is open to all signatory floor covering contractors in good standing.